For years the current food model has basically limited its view of foods to 4 basic groups, even though that is technically accurate it may not be complete. Foods explained as carbohydrates, proteins, fats and dairy are in some ways essential along with activity as the model suggests, but we must expand that view further. Metabolism , not the Gastro-intestinal system is the system that stabilizes all functioning to maintain health. To be more specific, it's cellular metabolism that is the place where the mechanics of a process bio-energetics maintains life.
The Food Model needs to address our new and modern generations understanding and awareness of alternative proteins such as Soy, Whey, Casein, and sources such as brown rice, chick peas, lentils, walnuts, and beans. It needs to show alternative carbohydrate and sugar sources besides sucrose and honey, but more fruits. It should include natural sweetners that are alternatives to table sugar such as Stevia and others such as Xylitol. There are other fats beside the unsaturated fats in many fried foods and red meats and the poly-unsaturated fats from plant sources. There are mono-unsaturated fats from olive oil and oils from canola as well. Our new Food Model must reflect fats that are healthy particularly the Essential Fats found in Omega 3,6,9 oils particularly DHA, EPA, ALA, GLA. The linonlenic acid and linoleic acids from flax, flax seed, safflower, black currant, evening primrose, sunflower, soy, peanut, borage oil, wheat germ and eggs are important alternatives .
But, the food model should also reflect "micro-nutrients" that are the essential building blocks of human life . This is how "cellular bio-fuels" are able to utilize and sustain nutritional balance and produce energy. These "micro-foods" or "nano-nutrition" include vitamins, antioxidants, enzymes(pro-biotics), and minerals(electrolytes). They are consumed as direct or indirectly as foods and need to be addressed in the overall model.
How can a food model be complete without "nano-nutrition" that are being put together and manufactured in the cell daily? They effect the biochemical processing to make foods available for the cell for metabolism when we are on auto-pilot, they act as biochemicals that can fight potential mutations that later lead to diseases such as cancer or heart disease . A an on a even more "micro" level, they make available electrons from atoms that "act" as nutrient fortifiers such as iron delivering oxygen or sulfur being carried in cysteine or vitamins aiding calcium delivery for bones, teeth and muscles.The trace element Chromium Picolinate helps stabilize blood sugar(this is not the hexavalent toxic form). There is the protein carrier known as L-carnitine which is known to carry and remove fat so it can be burned more efficiently as energy as well.
Another area that is not touched in the current foods model are herbals(roots, berries,cereals, teas). They were the first medicines and foods from a hunter-gathering society until the start of the 20th century. Many of the indigenous cultures still utilize them as the sole source of healing, but many a western drug laboratory will tell you that their research of herbs in the jungles of South America were the basis for many of their pharmaceutical products.Many organic herbal plants contain important sources to maintain longevity and balanced metabolism. Guarana from South America has an anti-platelet chemical to reduce clot formation, Ginko helps memory, Gynemma helps stabilizes blood sugar.
As nutrition is healthy there can be a bad side to nutrition or unhealthy forms of it. The "back side" is this unhealthy part that must be understood as well so as to avoid it. There are unhealthy fats such as the saturated fats that is causing the primary fat source leading to obesity today, but others include trans or hydrogenated fats seen in fat greasy fried foods. Many margarines , french fries, hamburgers and snack foods contain these fats. An associated "bad product" that is a by-product of this frying process especially with french fries is Acrilimide.It is known to be a potential carcinogen.
Are there bad proteins? Protein shakes drew a lot of concern and were associated with numerous health problems as a sole a sole dietary source for weight loss and needs to always to be carefully reviewed and understood. Some who are in a weight or body building program have resorted to creatinine as a means to build muscle mass, but be cautious with it as weight gain and redistribution of electrolytes might be an issue. However, healthier amino acid sources such as Branched Chain Amino Acids(BCAAs) may serve as a better source to help build lean muscle mass.
Some concerns have been raised about sources of soy proteins. The tip is to know your sources of soy. Fermented soy is healthier and also be aware of soy isolates which may be a concern . As a caveat the phyto-estrogen in soy acts as an inhibitor of natural estrogen which may give women protection, but ironically may be the cause of concerns for extra estrogen loads leading to health issues. Be aware.
In this new era everything will potentially be cloned, so that genetically modified organisms(products) to make meats particularly be in the markets. The "frankin-fish" that are being farmed may have some issue with it as we do not know its effects on the cells. But, other concerns for meats is enhancing their protein with growth hormones and estrogen. We still need to understand the concern of antiobiotics being fed to livestock as well as pesticides, insecticides and herbicides. We should be aware of irradiated foods or foods from irradiated locations as well.
What about bad carbohydrates? As there are good sources with fruits and vegetables there are also bad sugar sources. Most of them which are in question are "processed" sugars. The average American consumes up to 120-150 pounds of table sugar(sucrose) annually, but other sweetner substances are bringing more concerns than table sugar to the health of Americans today. These substances are found in soft drinks, snacks, and cereals that children are particularly fond of.
The American Academy of Pediatrics is particularly concerned about High Fructose Corn Syrup(HFCS) which appears to be the primary cause for rising rates of childhood obesity, premature heart disease, high blood pressure, type 2 diabetes , liver disease and precocious puberty especially in girls. Another sweet substance is Aspartame which comes from a processed methanol-like substance. There have been reports it has been associated with several neruological disorders such as seizures, brain turmors and effects on cognitive functioning.Sucralose(the pink stuff) was discoverd accidentally as a pesticide agent. Need I say more. But, this are the things that we are sprinkling on top of our foods.
Even how we cook foods has grave concerns. Microwaving has the ability to denature protein. Overcooking to a burnt crisp not only makes more carcinogenic agents such as oxygen free radicals, but the National Cancer Institute studies showed how barbecued and grilled foods did pose a noticeable threat to our diet. When the fat portion on meats are cooked the smoke in it can contain Poly-Aromatic Hydrocarbons(PAHS) a known carcinogen to occur. But, when the meaty protein of chicken, steak, and even fish are overcooked their is a change in the meat substance creating a carcinogen known as Heterocyclic Amines.
The food model has to be broadened into a wider inclusive interactive model that can educate and demonstrate how these foods effect not just our diet , but our lifestyles.
Learn more from Dr. Wells book "Nano-Nutrition" on how to utilize the best and healthiest sources of micro-nutrients and bio-fuels for a more balanced metabolism and healthier lifestyle to prevent chronic illness.
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