Tuesday, May 10, 2011

Natural vasodilatation effects of foods

Many of the cardiovascular symptoms of cardiovascular and diabetic disease is from poor circulation. The inability of vessels to open up wide enough to receive blood is key. But, some foods contain Nano-nutritional products that may help with that mechanism called vaso-dilatation or dilating the vessels for blood to get through .

Beet juice contains nitrous oxide that helps with opening up the vessel as well as Ginko biloba that contain flavonols(ginkoloids) that help reduce patelet stickiness and opens up blood vessels. Pycnegenol along with arginine have this same effect, too. We are looking at how Goji berries do this and it is most interesting. goji seems to help in diabetes, high blood pressure and cancer. Its ability to help brain and eye health has been written about.

Hawthorne has become a major popular prduct to help open up the circulation and is used greatly for cardio-vascular assistance.This is due to the flavonoids it contains.It therefore helps blood flow to the heart and helps improve heart rate, too.Hawthorne is also a powerful antioxidant.
Omega 3 oils help reduce blood stickiness and thickness by reducing clot potential and thus aids in blood flow . The mineral magnesium helps with making the smooth muscle of blood vessels relax so that th ecaptiance of taking on more blood flow is greater and therefore helps reduce blood pressure. Many of the above products contain a product which is known to be made in the human body called nitrous oxide. It helps keeps blood vessels open for heart circulation as well as help men with tumesence. The use of these above products may reduce the use of medical -chemical vaso-dilators we get from prescriptions like nitroglycerin, hydralazine, and clonidine. Many vasodilators are "central acting" or brain center acting effectors that have numerous side effects

Learn more at www.nutrix360.com

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