Monday, July 15, 2013

Orwell"s Prediction Speaks: "Lets Talk About The Bio-Medical Micro-Chip for A Moment"

Question. How many of us would allow ourselves to be voluntarily "micro-chipped" to improve our health, reduce crime, reduce racism, sexism, ageism, prevent all diseases, all pain, negative emotions , and allow us all to live in a projected holographic state of "nirvana" always ,everyday for all our natural born days? What if being "legally" micro-chipped guaranteed everyone equal rights, security, a home, a car, free education, free healthcare, free medicine ,nutritional balance a secure lifestyle ,job selection with month long vacations? What if the micro-chip helped stop all wars, reduced stress, worries and the thought of a poor condition state of starvation, poverty, hate, and inequality in the world? Would you be in the least bit interested...just a little? What if this offer was a "legal" contract that would be effective immediately upon signing? Now, think of all of the worlds problems and issues of people getting along that we have today. Now, what is the alternative to eradicating all of mankind's ills so rapidly the likes of which this technology can perform? If there existed a microchip that could via a holographically programmed database
do all of these things, what would be the downside of it? I'm just hypothetically speaking. Think, people, just where we are headed?


  1. This is the vaccine you've been wsiting for.

  2. Nano-technology proves invaluable in the fight against diseade,disease, can it overstep its use as surveillance tracking and privacy issues increase?
