Friday, August 5, 2016

The Food Corporations have  for long time advocated their genetically modified food products (GMOs)as safe, however science has taken pause at some of the immunological and potential neoplastic disease caused by them. But, today there may be a safe alternative for GMOs. A London, England institute is looking at 3D printing of food. In a time where food shortages, increased food prices and exposure of foods to toxins this may be a way to look at more seriously. Find more about this story on NPR(National Public Radio).

Thursday, August 4, 2016

National Institutes of Health Permits Dr. Moreau's Chimera

The National Institutes of Health today announced that it will be utilizing new genetic engineering techniques that allow the splicing of animal DNA with human DNA! This area of research was always viewed as "hands off" since the experiments by Eugenicist such as Dr.  Josef Mengele in Nazi Germany. Yet, this hasn't stopped the funding of this project , The Chimera Project to proceed.

The NIH , stated that this will allow animals to develop human organs that can be later be harvested. Stem cells will be injected into lower life form animals and the tissue of organs can grow potentially in any organ to reproduce human organs.

This includes human brain cells growing in animals such as pigs and sheep for now. The NIH is leaving hands off to inject the stem cells in Simian species such as monkeys and great apes. However, the moral, ethical and philosophical issue that is burning is that if the neurological tissue develops in a sheep and takes on human emotions, feelings, or consciousness what makes that animal no longer an animal and now partially human or all human for that matter?

We are entering into a strange world of Dr Moreau who in a fictionalized movie spliced various species of animals with humans .

What is Next?

Dr. Marcus Wells is a past Clinical Associate of the NIH where he served in the National Heart, Lung & Blood Institute.

Friday, May 27, 2016

Cellular Death

New data from the U.S. National Toxicology Program reveal an increase of high frequency wave exposure like those with cell phones may could an increase in heart disease and brain disease. The rat studies show increase rate in tumors in these organs. 

The only support to remedy the problem released by the FDA was to limit one's cell phone use. However, in age where this device is not only a necessity it is also a billion dollar business that is not likely to go away too soon. Cell phone industry producers give only only nebulous statistics stating no rise in the tumors  has occurred as the population rises. Anyone with high school bio-statistics and epidemiology know this is a confounding factor. If percentages stay the same as population rises, it means death morbidity and mortality actually is rising regardless.

Sunday, August 11, 2013

Can Your Pacemaker Be "Hacked"

In the last week of July 2013 , the largest convention of computer hackers met in Las Vegas. The major group called Black Hat consists of mostly "legal" hackers from all over the world who have hacked ATM machines, the Pentagon and other Electronic databases such as banks. Most of the hackers work for electronic and security firms by testing their security systems online. Even General Kieth Alexander head of the National Security Agency (NSA) was invited and gave an hour long speech to the conspicuous group of attendees. It appears that the government, particularly our intelligence agencies are desperately seeking "hackers" and recruiting them for the nation's top spy agencies! How interesting and coincidental. But, perhaps the biggest and brightest star of "hackers" in the world , Barnaby Jack, suddenly died approximately a week-and-a-half before the convention at the age of 36. Jack is the one who was made famous for being able to make ATM machines spit out cash with a device from remote distances. But, the genius-hacker had just demonstrated how electronic and other bio-medical devices made by companies such as Medtronic could be hacked into. For example, he was able to show how a hacker could "hack" into a patient's pacemaker device from remote distances by merely knowing or artificially making up passwords. Jack showed how the medical devices could be rendered useless or deliver alternate rhythms. The device could then be made to either stop the heart if the correct signal is sent. Not only this, Jack's hacking skill was capable of getting an implanted defibrillator to deliver electronic shocks from the hacker as well.
Another "expert hacker" Jay Radcliffe has shown how insulin pumps can also be hacked into remotely and deliver dangerous levels of insulin for an unsuspecting patient relying on such a device. As bio-medical devices become more reliant on "wi-fi" , new novel ways to hack into a person's device will become possible. He states that the digital inter-connected system makes these and other possibilities widespread in the future world. In a new Lifelock commercial, the company of electronic and digital files security shows a medical doctor who loses his laptop in a New York Taxi. The scenario could be a real possibility. While many feel that companies in the the digital security business are a real necessity, many critics are concerned with the massive build-up of companies who collect and store medical records of patients. Since the approval of the Affordable Care Act , it has been mandatory that medical practitioners such as physicians apply their offices with either new medical systems are completely new computers that allow them to download all of their patient records. These computers cost are not only costly but draw much concern for medical doctors who are hesistant about downloading all of their patient's records on digital files because of the risk of security such as hacking and also the risk of legal liability do to computer hacking as well. New computer medical records firms that collect medical records such as Serner in Kansas City, Missouri or Epic in Minneapolis,MN have compiled so much data , they are sill figuring out what to do with it. These companies have gathered hundreds of thousands of data on patients. At the time these companies are only "gatherers" but the logistics of utilizing this data will become ever more important and powerful in a new healthcare system that mandates healthcare purchase.If a biomedical or pharmaceutical company wanted to "pattern" the behavior of a patient or lifestyle it could use these data to predict purchasing and enhance their marketing. Then their is the little thing called blackmail. If a hacker wanted medical data of a certain individual , they could collect that data for nefarious purposes. The power of these types of companies and their potential use to serve or their vulnerability to computer hacking will also become prevalent in a "brave new world".

Monday, July 15, 2013

Orwell"s Prediction Speaks: "Lets Talk About The Bio-Medical Micro-Chip for A Moment"

Question. How many of us would allow ourselves to be voluntarily "micro-chipped" to improve our health, reduce crime, reduce racism, sexism, ageism, prevent all diseases, all pain, negative emotions , and allow us all to live in a projected holographic state of "nirvana" always ,everyday for all our natural born days? What if being "legally" micro-chipped guaranteed everyone equal rights, security, a home, a car, free education, free healthcare, free medicine ,nutritional balance a secure lifestyle ,job selection with month long vacations? What if the micro-chip helped stop all wars, reduced stress, worries and the thought of a poor condition state of starvation, poverty, hate, and inequality in the world? Would you be in the least bit interested...just a little? What if this offer was a "legal" contract that would be effective immediately upon signing? Now, think of all of the worlds problems and issues of people getting along that we have today. Now, what is the alternative to eradicating all of mankind's ills so rapidly the likes of which this technology can perform? If there existed a microchip that could via a holographically programmed database
do all of these things, what would be the downside of it? I'm just hypothetically speaking. Think, people, just where we are headed?

Orwell"s Prediction Speaks: "Lets Talk About The Bio-Medical Micro-Chip for A Moment"

Question. How many of us would allow ourselves to be voluntarily "micro-chipped" to improve our health, reduce crime, reduce racism, sexism, ageism, prevent all diseases, all pain, negative emotions , and allow us all to live in a projected holographic state of "nirvana" always ,everyday for all our natural born days? What if being "legally" micro-chipped guaranteed everyone equal rights, security, a home, a car, free education, free healthcare, free medicine ,nutritional balance a secure lifestyle ,job selection with month long vacations? What if the micro-chip helped stop all wars, reduced stress, worries and the thought of a poor condition state of starvation, poverty, hate, and inequality in the world? Would you be in the least bit interested...just a little? What if this offer was a "legal" contract that would be effective immediately upon signing? Now, think of all of the worlds problems and issues of people getting along that we have today. Now, what is the alternative to eradicating all of mankind's ills so rapidly the likes of which this technology can perform? If there existed a microchip that could via a holographically programmed database
do all of these things, what would be the downside of it? I'm just hypothetically speaking. Think, people, just where we are headed?

Sunday, May 19, 2013

3-D Bio-Printers Allow Scientist to Be "Co-Creators"

The latest "game changer" in biomedical technology is undoubtedly the three dimensional bio-printer. It takes bio-labelled(DNA) and bio-copied protein to be used to make virtually any body part. Not, only can a 3-D bio-printer do this, but a regular 3-D printer has been used to make dental dentures and hearing aids. Now, a titanium jaw has been replicated by a 3-D bio-printer for implantation into a patient's mandible.